Thursday, June 12, 2008

today's find

Artist Gomez

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

favicon.....I need to get a delicious account

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


flash does not support nested rollovers. No rollover state inside a rollover state. Sad.

Sothink --- a swf decomplier. Can be shown in window's VMware...on a mac.
Sepy --- actionscrip editor.

Monday, June 9, 2008


a yummy div tag

#div style="overflow: auto; height: 250px; width: 300px;"#

Friday, June 6, 2008

I am special

Ok. So, I have such dingy moments. I called myself on the phone today at the office at work. Jeff answered....quizzically...and I really didn't know what to say to him. Oh brother. I think God is having fun with me and my seriousness. Seriously. I do the dumbest things at work. Say the dumbest things at work.... I act reasonably intelligent when I'm not at work. But the moment I step through the door I feel like I have "dumb ass" posted on my forehead.

I should probably give myself a little breathing room. Stop counting the mess ups, take a breath, and know that what I'm doing is koshur. That life is good. That I have a my limbs, that I have a sound a varying degree ha... I have a great place to sleep, work and yes....oh yes farmer's market is tomorrow.

Yes I'll take that nice head of lettuse off your hands young man. How much? 2 bucks? Sounds like a deal. Cilantro? Oh yeah.... tacos here I come.... I need to stop binging on mexican. There are so many other varieties of food.

Like steak.

Oo. I have not had a good steak in a flipping long time. Moo moo cow watch out. Garlic potatoes. Cottage cheese with chives. All I literally have in my fridge right now is a huge bag of green onions, 1/2 a summer squash, 1/2 a zucchini, and a dozen eggs. How sad is that?

Oh, but I also have popcorn I bought at last farmers market. Was great fun popping in a regular pan. Made my day....probably was the most excitement I've had since... I don't know.

Hmm....I need to variety my day now from the computer. Have already spent 85% of it invested in my dingy version of tecness. Will anticipate tomorrow....probably too late to call my friend to go with. Oh well...maybe I'll wake her at the crack of dawn. Throw pebbles at her window.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I neeeeed to go to bed. But my body is in a routine.... nightowlness.

It smells so good outside my place. Lilacs....lily of the valley...peonies....freshness. Light breeze. Warmth. Small rumblings of thunder. Tall strong trees. Leaf movement. Buildings with character. Personality. Beauty. Wood floors. My 2$ cowgirl boots (yay for today!). Warm lamp. Comfort. Knowledge. Love. Breath....which I probably need to remedy with toothpaste....after eating green onions. My stuck storm window. People yelling outside....what the....

Ha, nice. Possible neighbors getting stuck in the rain. Time to fight storm window. Wet books not cool. Time to go though the place.... maybe a few can be open...depending on direction....I love the smell of rain.